We all have a story to tell

What Is

Happy stories. Sad stories. Good stories and bad stories.

Inspiring stories.

Stories about things we did. Stories about places we’ve been to. Stories about experiences we had.

Stories about people we love.

OutStoriz is a place to share these stories.

You can publish travel accounts or follow your child growing up.

You can share your thoughts and life experiences.

You can commemorate your loved ones and cherish their memory forever.

“Tell me, is it enough for a person to live in order to have a biography, or is the content of life important too ?”
“Do you wish your biography to be written ?”
“Mine ? Why mine ?”
“So why are you asking ?”
“In general.” Mr. Moghrabi sighed. “I lived for three years in Bordeaux, France. Studies to become an agricultural secretary. For some time I was meeting for tea a woman who claimed she was a descendant of the Russian Tsarina Yekaterina the Great. Then I came back home, was not accepted to Agresco company, was not accepted to the Kibbutz. I was a good clerk for thirty years. Then came the cutbacks.”
“That already sounds like a biography.”
“Everyone has one, Arik, everyone does. Do you think that people passing by looking at me can imagine that a woman from the Royal House of Russia once wanted to marry me ?”

From “When Heroes Fly” by Amir Gutfreund, page 378.

We all have a story to tell

What is yours ?